Back to School with GOeVisit SmartExam App

It’s officially back-to-school time. It’s a fresh start to a new season and there is so much excitement in the air... but along with that comes all the germs! As a mother, all I want to do is protect my child from everything, but I know that’s not entirely possible. So for the things I can’t control, I just have to do my very best to tackle them right away. That means when Parker comes home from school with a cough or cold, a rash or a sore throat, I’m on top of it instantly. This year I’m prepped and ready with the GOeVisit SmartExam app which means that I can speak with a professional medical provider within minutes. Our family is no stranger to needing to get medical attention fast! One particular morning last spring, Parker woke up feeling sick and I called our family doctor to make an appointment, only to realize our doctor was away and his office was closed. So off to the drop in clinic we went.... and we waited & waited... and waited! We sat in that waiting room for two hours before we finally saw a doctor! If only I knew then what I know now, I would have saved myself so much time and stress. Lesson learned.

So now our whole family is set up on GOeVisit and I honestly feel like a better mom for it. That may sound silly, but it’s the truth. I know that as soon as something comes up, I can talk to a professional and my mama heart can rest a little easier. GOeVisit can treat more than 450 minor illnesses & even refill prescriptions without me stepping foot in a doctor’s office. Total #momwin.

And I’m happy to say, I feel like I’m so much more prepared for this school year. If you want to give GOeVisit a try, just click here for your free one month trial of their family plan.

Wishing you & your family a healthy school year!